Thursday, July 29, 2010

Statement on "Realistic Jobs Plan for Vermont"

Today I am releasing a detailed proposal to create jobs in Vermont. It includes accessing capital, a focus on regional development and building affordable homes to get the construction trades back to work. I will address the needs of agriculture in a separate proposal next week.

The other democratic candidates for governor have ideas for creating jobs, but they are all promises and don't address the cost of their programs. My proposal is different because it includes cost estimates. My experience as Chair of Appropriations gives me the ability to balance investment in the future with the reality of our budget problems today.

We must keep state spending under control as we build for the future.

I have talked to Vermonters all over the state and by far their number one concern is jobs.  People are worried about losing the jobs they have and wondering what will happen to their children in the future.  This is a critical time for our state.

Brian Dubie said on July 19 that he has a 10 point economic plan, but he is waiting to share it with Vermonters. Mr. Dubie, the people of Vermont need a plan for jobs now, not later.

Brian Dubie, what are you waiting for? 

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