Is it Howard, or Dean? The twin "democats" are hard to tell apart ... Free Press photo
HYDE PARK — Susan Bartlett was running a store in Stowe called Wool and Feathers, selling a gamut of products from yarn to sweaters to a rack of lamb, when the state senator from Lamoille County announced he would not seek re-election in 1992.
Republican state Rep. Herbert O’Brien, a man she considered too conservative, stepped in to run for the seat. “I decided I was tired of not having a choice in local politics,” she said.
So Bartlett launched a campaign few expected her to win. Voters in Lamoille County, one of Vermont’s smallest and most rural counties, had never elected a Democrat to the Senate, nor a woman. Bartlett had a lot of things on her resume, but serving in public office was not among them. She had run once for side judge and lost. People, she said, thought it was cute that she was running. “Everybody knew Herb would be elected,” she said. Read on ...
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