Affordable childcare has been an issue for many years all over America. As long as American’s demand low taxes, services such as high quality, affordable child care will be an issue for most working women.
I believe that childcare should be viewed as an important part of our educational system. More and more research shows that the early years of growth and development are important. Investments in early education and high quality day care are in reality an economic savings. Affordable, high quality day care allows women to work and to become part of our growing economy and it allows children access to the early learning opportunities that are so important for success in school.
As governor I would begin to address this issue by removing the cap on pre-school positions. It is horrible that children have to win a lottery and that schools have to say no to what we understand now is the foundation for good education. Next I would work to educate Vermonters on the value of these programs. I think it is very encouraging that the Business Roundtable is once again talking about this issue as the key to future economic growth in Vermont.
I believe that the key to this issue is the understanding and support of the entire business community. I do not believe it would be overly expensive to provide all of Vermont children access to high quality childcare. The real issue is convincing Vermonters that the early dollar investment is not only smart, but also saves dollars in the long run by encouraging the success of every child.
As governor I would also propose that all day care, preschool and school meals are free and nutritious. Why? First they should be free because so many parents will not apply for the assistance, so their children go without. Next, when children are hungry, they cannot focus on learning, they simply think and worry about their next meal. In a state with so much, how can we allow any child to go hungry? By combining the money we already spend on school meals, we could meet this goal with little additional spending and we could achieve immediate, positive results for children.
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