This week in the Bartlett campaign has been particularly exciting. Susan and I traveled to St. Albans and spoke with many business and community leaders there, who voiced varied concerns about the possibility of a Wal-Mart close by. St. Albans and the business community that resides there has been particularly resilient throughout the economic recession, and it was encouraging to see thriving local businesses.
Later that day we traveled to Borderview Farm in Alburg, where I had an exciting opportunity to witness the research and practices of Roger Rainville, who is using sustainable farming practices to conduct research on a variety of matters, including a plot to grow hops for Vermont beer companies such as Rock Art. Roger has between 2,000-3,000 research plots, where he conducts water quality studies as part of the UVM extension.
Perhaps the most exciting part of Roger's farm is that the entire farm runs on biodiesel that Roger processes through canola and sunflower seeds grown right in his farm. Roger has, after cost, been able to make each gallon of biodiesel for $1.70, well below the cost of fossil fuels. Susan has supported Roger through appropriations for the last several years, and farmers like Roger need to be supported to keep Vermont a working, farming landscape.
It's also been so encouraging to talk to Vermonters across the state on the phones and in their towns and see the support for Susan and her campaign for Governor.
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