There really isn’t a simple answer to what do you cut and what do you add. What we have missed in the past few years has been the process to make these decisions in a reasonable way. We know that our revenues in 2012 will be the same as they were in 2005. To me that means we have to reduce our spending to the 2005 level. This has not been easy and the upcoming year will be the most difficult so far. This is why I have been and will remain an advocate for a process like Challenges for Change. We have to change the structure of government services if we want to have successful services. If we want Vermont to continue to be a great place to live, we must change how we are doing things.
The past few years have seen a significant number of cuts in state services and in state employees. The additions in the past years have been of governor appointed positions that have more to deal with politics than policy. Some of these positions have been cut, but many have simply been reclassified. These positions that deal with public relations and “educating” the public would be cut immediately.
I would have meetings with all agencies of state government and ask the people on the front lines what they would eliminate from their agency. I would invite the consumers of these services and outside providers to be part of this conversation. After working with state employees and roviders of services in a challenge for change type of structure, we would decide what state programs need to be eliminated. This could lead to savings or investing those dollars into programs that really work towards our common goals.
It is this type of process that will lead to the difficult discussions we must have if we are to have a government that is sustainable. We as Vermonters must work together to make tough choices, but we also can work together to create good solutions. It really is all up to us. As Howard Dean said “you have the power.” I believe that you have the answers and I’m asking you to elect me governor so I can help us all move forward in a positive way to constructive solutions and a prosperous Vermont for generations to come.
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