Sunday, August 1, 2010

With Bartlett, you hear what you want to hear — and don’t want to

Susan Bartlett at Halvorson's Upstreet Cafe, Church Street, Burlington. Mike Townsend/Free Press

Original source 3:10 PM Thu., July 29, 2010 By Mike Townsend

Susan Bartlett met with a small audience today at Halvorson’s Upstreet Cafe in Burlington, and the message was she ”gets it." 

She gets the fiscal challenges. She gets the policy. She gets it that the buck does have to stop someplace.

I have been off the campaign trail for several weeks because of vacations here at the Free Press. I missed seeing the candidates work a floor. I am unsure of where this mass race of five ends up, and I wouldn’t bet on any specific candidate to win — or lose — no matter what polls may say and how much money anyone raises.

I only know that the state needs a persistent forum like this to get itself, as Susan Bartlett says she gets herself. Vermonters need to listen now and vote in the primary election, and not wait for the general election in November.

“I can walk into the governor’s office tomorrow and I don’t have a learning curve.”

The governor must be “outcomes” based in expectations and be consumed with the goals, how to get there and how to measure. Today, she says, “You cannot ask that question in state government.” With her as governor that question will be asked.

“If you like change, I am your person.”

Then comes the momentary pause Susan Barlett has perfected, because you know what is going to follow, with that sense of humor and raw honesty that connects with constituents in search of truth.

“If you want to keep things the way they are, you have at least four other decisions.”

Reminder: The primary election is Aug. 24. Vote.

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